Hand Me Down Toys From 4 To 1 Year Old

Just like with books, it is important to have age appropriate toys to help children develop both physically and mentally.

“Toys are actually subliminal learning tools.” – This Scribbler Mum

After our first child was born, things accumulated pretty quickly and a lot of those things are toys. As she grew, we had to giveaway a lot of those toys but we also made sure to keep some of the toys that we knew would be essential for a growing baby should we have another one. Not only is our second baby benefiting from them now, we also saved ourselves a bit of money too from buying another set of the same toys.

Here are some of the favourite baby toys that we kept from when our now four year old was a baby which have now been passed on to her baby sister (so far).

Stacking cups

Stacking cups are an instant interest and favourite for our babies. They are easy to hold for tiny hands, great for banging together, stimulating as they are colourful, and fun to build towers with (along with tearing it down). They are also great for teaching colours, counting and even the concept of big or small eventually.

Gund Peek a Boo Bear

Peek a boo being one of the first games that babies learn, this Peek a Boo Bear gives babies a few minutes of fun. Not only is it cute (I mean, it’s a teddy bear!), it also has a very cute voice that encourages babies to play along. The mouth moves when it talks and the arms move to hold a cloth up or down just like how a person would do when playing peek a boo.

Fisher-Price Stroll Along Walker

Ours is an older version but it is basically a stroller (our old one came with a doll). Our baby likes pushing it which is helpful when they are just learning to walk. The wide base of support helps to steady her, giving her confidence. When using it this way though, proper supervision is needed for obvious reasons. She also likes examining the stroller and the wee bits and pieces on it. The music is also a treat for her, as it is a treat for us when she dances to it. And the doll, well she likes taking the doll out of it.

Building blocks

Similar to the stacking cups, building blocks are a hit. They are colourful, fun to squeeze with the squeaky sound and fun to stack on top of each other – that is, when she’s successful she’s really happy and proud of herself. When she’s not so successful though, she likes to throw them about (good thing they are rubber and light so she won’t hurt herself or anybody else).

Peppa Pig phone

I don’t know what it is but babies like buttons like that on remote controls. This Peppa Pig toy phone gives her that satisfaction of playing with buttons and getting different peppa pig sounds as she does so. It is very good for developing fine motor skills.

Wooden xylophone

A wooden xylophone is colourful, fun to bang with a stick and makes sounds. What’s not to like? It is amazing when I see her playing with it purposefully. Not only does she learn from it but it shows how quickly she picks up things by copying everything we do.

Little Tykes shape sorter

We have two shape sorters, an interactive shape sorter and the simpler ball one that does not need batteries. Both are really good. She does not put the shapes through the proper holes yet but she loves examining the different shapes, banging them together (of course!) and it’s a good way to teach her the names of each shapes and colours while developing her vocabulary.


*Check out my books and other products on my Products page!

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28 Replies to “Hand Me Down Toys From 4 To 1 Year Old”

  1. These are all awesome suggestions! These are staples in my home for the kiddo and even though I only have one little but as she grows out of them I plan to box them up and store them just in case I convince the future-hubs that another little should join us!! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We had our kids rather close together but we often had to widdle down what we had in the house before all the toys took over. Blocks were always a huge hit and any type of building materials. We found those toys that got the most use were the classics and not all the light up, singing, busy stuff that we see so much of. Great list of favorites to keep. #FamilyFunLinky

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is actually great to know when I’m thinking about gifts for my nephew! He’s obsessed with anything that has to do with cars and blocks/ shapes.

    Thanks for the list!
    Alana Nicole

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My one year old loves her stacking rings and stacking cups. We’re trying to keep her toys simple and…not noisy! We’re getting a lot of hand-me-downs from friends with older kids and this is a great list of the essentials to keep for #2!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We are going to need to get all the toys again, my daughter will be eight when this one is here and we have nothing age appropriate to hand down. Still it will be nice to find some good little bits for them through that first year. #ablogginggoodtime

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah the stacking cups were big business on our house too. Both children liked them as they did the walker. The boy more so, so I’m derinietly glad we kept it. we have a Peppa Pig phone too but that is still in use by the big one so we have duplicated and brought the boy one too! Thanks for joining us at #familyfun

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I think stacking cups are the cheapest toy I’ve bought my girls and this still have loads of fun with them now! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. One of the best side effects of having a second was getting extra use out of all the toys the older one had grown out of. Building blocks have always been a huge hit with my two. Even now they will play with them when I get them out. Now we are beginning our lego journey and it feels like a grown up building block session. Thank you for joining us at #ThursdayTeam

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think that we have most of these toys and they will be handed down to our little boy once he arrives. It’s so important that toys are age appropriate, and my toddler has quickly moved on from toys that she has already accomplished. Thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My two still love their stacking cups and they are 5 and 6 now! Thanks for joining in with #KidsandKreativity, I hope you come back next time x

    Liked by 1 person

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